Monday, May 16, 2011

Day 16 - A song you used to love but now hate

We only had VH1 and top-40 radio in our town.
I was young.
Shut up.

Interesting to see Olbermann and Patrick together again, though.

ZZzzzz... Hm? Wha? Was I in the middle of something?

It's past 3 AM. I'm awake. Life's been a little busy recently and perhaps I'll utilize this space to discuss that at a later time, but for now I'm a liiiittle behind on the song challenge thingie. Picking things back up....

Day 15 - a song that describes you

It was tough for me to find a really fitting song for this one. While it may not be a direct description of me, I think Jenny Lewis and co. have captured my mindset at several points in my life with this song.

To say I’ve been through a uniquely shitty set of personal, one-time events would be a fair statement. I’ve been hit by a car, seen everything that belonged to me consumed in a fire, spent cumulative months in the hospital. When I was deep in the throes of the ankle/brain double whammy, a psychologist at WSU told me, flatly and without prompting, “you should be depressed.”

The lyrics here capture the evolution of that mindset from the oh-woe-is-me valleys to one of determination and a return to confidence. There’s always been that epiphanic moment when I look up from the emotional mire and remind myself that it always gets better. It takes a lot of effort to get into the proper mindset when you’ve drifted from it for so long, but there really is something to be said about the power of positive thinking.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

30 Day Music Project Day 13 - A Song That is a Guilty Pleasure

For a time (well, two times, technically) I was a theatre major. I liked to perform, I admire performers, but it was just too difficult for me to stay. Sure, this and this may have had something to do with keeping me off stage, but a large part of it had to do with my disinterest in musicals. While I followed sports and listened to not-quite-mainstream music, the overwhelming majority of my classmates were all-or-none Broadway fans. While I didn't have RENT on autorepeat on my cd player/ipod/whathaveyou like every other person in the Creative Arts building, one or two musicals did sneak their way into my favorites.
...some even had puppets.
...and got airtime on 'The View'

Lyrics from "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" as filtered through

Sometimes a little bit racist, everyone. If you have not been attacked, but I hung in this study should have been this week. ID, please refer to the guide to avoid the visually impaired. Perhaps it is we make decisions based on race, he must face the fact that all the people.

(click here to see the transformation)

30 Day Song Project Day 12 - A Song by a Band You Hate

I don't condone throwing rocks at anybody merely for being douchebags. However, this does make me smirk a bit and I'd rather post that than anything actually written or performed by Nickleback.

The take on this is a bit confusing, but I like it.
Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars
And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars
The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap
We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat

...turned into this:
We, Rokkusutasanhiru the optical drive housing prices have AC to get the daily operations of the house, no place to eat a girl in all the drugs we 15 10 Burkina Faso

Here's the link

30 day song challenge - day 11 - a song from your favorite band

There's a lot of really good Ben Folds clips out there on YouTube. He plays some interesting stuff with the Western Australian Symphony Orchestra and he's got some pretty solid official music videos.
Over the years, though, this song has sort of placed itself in the front of the pack (by a nose in front of about five others) as my favorite.

"Philosophy" lyrics as filtered through

I would do a good job, I'm sorry, you must please understand that you are looking for you to promote it. I'm not mad I Betweens

(click here to see the transformation)

30 Day Song Challenge Day 10 - A Song That Makes You Fall Asleep

The Opening 2:25 of this song is inordinately peaceful to me for some reason.
Then that snare kicks in and it builds me back into a pleasant consciousness.

Lyrics from 'Emma Blowgun's Last Stand' as filtered through Translation Party:

We are your mother, your father, I laughed, and the false hope that many people, I think it can damage you know.

(click here to see the transformation)

30 Day Song Challenge Day 9 - A Song that You Can Dance To

I'm not a good dancer. I have never attempted the Humpty Hump. Nevertheless, this is perhaps my favorite bassline ever, so I am posting it out of respect

Lyrics to "The Humpty Hump" as filtered through Translation Party

The nose is large. I do not think I'm ashamed. In many cases, I have not been paid to the size of pickles.

(click here to witness the transformation)